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About Me

I live in Footscray, Melbourne, VIC with my partner and daughter. I completed a Masters degree in Gestalt therapy in 2018. As a counsellor and psychotherapist, I am passionate about developing dialogue with and support for people that affirms them in their experience, grows awareness, and fosters agency and change. Previously, I worked as a performance maker and educator in Australia, the United Kingdom and Europe over many years. My work with actors, dancers, musicians, and visual, sound and performance artists has included work with disadvantaged young people, Indigenous Australian people, homeless people, post-release prisoners, and people perceived to have disabilities. Work in education and the arts has enabled me to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds and professional contexts, including government, non-government and community organisations and companies. I bring this broad experience and a creative, caring approach to my work as a counsellor and psychotherapist.

Barry Laing, Counsellor & Psychotherapist, individual & couples therapy, Ocean Shores, Byron Bay, NSW
Green Water

How I work

Gestalt therapy is the foundation of my training. Contemporary relational Gestalt therapy is a form of counselling and psychotherapy that regards relationships as fundamental to the formation of a sense of self, and hence, well-being. Gestalt therapy emphasises the relationship between therapist and client in the present moment as a vital, secure and creative ground for growing awareness, experiencing new and alternative ways of being together, and increasing capacity for change. The word Gestalt may mean ‘whole’ or ‘configuration’. Gestalt therapy concerns itself with processes of meaning-making, or how sense is made of experience. These processes contribute to the unique, complex and fundamentally relational 'whole' that is each person at any point in time. A client’s total situation is considered, including environmental, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of experience. Gestalt also means 'form', and the processes by which people and things 'take shape' in relationship. Gestalt therapy supports the emergence of 'good form' or harmonious configurations for people in relationship with themselves, others, and with the world. With compassion, kindness, equanimity, empathy, and humour I work in dialogue with clients to build awareness and shared understanding of the complexities of their situation. With this awareness, self-acceptance and support, and by gently challenging fixed or stuck relational patterns, change is possible.

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